Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither are the best companies.
That’s why incorporating team building into work culture is important, despite the stigma attached to it. Here we’ve busted some of the team building myths that keep companies from reaching their potential.
(All photos are taken from our REAL events, so trust us on this…)
It’s all Trust Falls
Team building doesn’t have to be as touchy-feely as some may be dreading. There’s no need to fall into a stranger’s arms or indulge your deepest thoughts to Dave from accounting if you don’t want to. In fact, the objective of great team building isn’t necessarily about making sure everyone becomes friends but more about discovering the strengths of the individuals on your team and determining how they can be used to your company’s advantage. So there’s no need for a company group hug, thanks to the digital age, team building can be actually engaging and you can leave the cheese in the fridge.
Still not convinced? Check out this cool example
You Have to be Physically Fit
Some might imagine swinging from great heights or hiking a mountain as the only way to bond with teammates, but that’s simply not the case. There’s no need to exert yourself past your limits just to enjoy a team event. What’s most important to make a team experience effective and enjoyable is making sure it caters to the specific needs of your company. One size doesn’t fit all and there are plenty of easy team building options available that don’t require having to break a sweat.

They’re Not Effective
While the immediate aftereffects of a team building event may seem fleeting, it’s not true that it doesn’t have any impact on your team. The change may seem subtle, but even a single bonding event is proven to break down barriers in terms of trust. To be most effective, however, team building events should not be far between. Even the smallest attempt at bringing your team together can have large effects on your team’s dynamic and success.
Still not convinced? Here’s another cool example for you!

Millennials Are Bored
Don’t believe all of the assumptions made about the millennial generation. The workforce has seen quite an uptick in millennial employment, and with such an invasion has come a cultural shift in its importance. Studies found that millennial employees place high-value work culture and see team building activities as a great method of employee retention (read more on how to keep millennials tuned in to team building in our recent blog post). Don’t look the other way when it comes to catering to younger employees, especially if you don’t want high turnover in your employment. They value the professional relationships they can create during these events more than you may think.

It’s time to put all the myths and concerns behind you and start incorporating team building into your work culture!
Don’t know where to start? Our team is here to the rescue. Give us a call today at 877-787-2929 or just fill out the form below and one of our experts will be in touch with you shortly.
Au revoir for now!